Go Forth



Our Multifamily Investing Strategies

Backed by CalSTRS, Fairfield leads multifamily investments nationwide, focusing on stability, strategic expertise, and innovative opportunities.

About the Fund

Lambda was a feeder fund of Fairfield Sentry Ltd. (“Sentry”) (which is in liquidation as well). Sentry carried on business as an investment fund, largely ...

About the Fund

Sigma was a feeder fund of Fairfield Sentry Ltd. (“Sentry”) (which is in liquidation as well). Sentry carried on business as an investment fund, largely ...

Madoff Fairfield Sentry and Sigma funds

The Fairfield funds (Sigma, Sentry and Lambda) were some of the largest feeder funds to the Madoff ponzi scheme. In December 2008 when Madoff was exposed as a ...


An autonomous regulatory authority responsible for the regulation, supervision and inspection of all financial services in and from within the BVI.

Fairfield Holds Final Close of Largest Value Add Fund To Date

Fairfield held its final close on February 25, 2025 for its Fairfield U.S. Multifamily Value Add Fund IV LP (“Fund IV”) with $1.47 billion ...

About the Fund

Sentry was the largest feeder fund into BMIS with approximately $7.2 billion invested as at the end of October 2008.

Fairfield Greenwich Group

Fairfield Greenwich Group is an investment firm founded in 1983 in New York City. The firm had among the largest exposures to the Bernard Madoff fraud.

Fairfield Fund

Fairfield Fund: Scholarship and Financial Aid · The Fairfield Fund is essential to provide unrestricted resources to drive innovation as opportunities arise.

The Fairfield Fund

The Fairfield Fund provides resources to support Student Government, Career Services and Student Clubs from the Sports Clubs to the Glee Club.


BackedbyCalSTRS,Fairfieldleadsmultifamilyinvestmentsnationwide,focusingonstability,strategicexpertise,andinnovativeopportunities.,LambdawasafeederfundofFairfieldSentryLtd.(“Sentry”)(whichisinliquidationaswell).Sentrycarriedonbusinessasaninvestmentfund,largely ...,SigmawasafeederfundofFairfieldSentryLtd.(“Sentry”)(whichisinliquidationaswell).Sentrycarriedonbusinessasaninvestmentfund,largely ......